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Smart Influencer Marketing For Your Airbnb 

Marketing your Airbnb can be extremely difficult, confusing, overwhelming, and generally seem like a giant pain. But how important is it?

We sat down with Ashley and Scott of The Hive Drive to talk about their journey and influencer marketing. The two have converted an old school bus and travel around the world to do marketing collaborations and branding work through social media platforms with short-term rental owners. They have created a really great and engaging community and have a lot of experience speaking to marketing tools – so let’s jump right in!

Scott and Ashley: Expert UGC marketers working remotely.

Who Are You And Where Did You Start?

The Hive Drive was started on social media when Ashley and Scott realize they loved to highlight amazing places, and things to do and wanted to share it with the world. The community aspect of sharing is what really compelled them to dive right in and make something of their adventures. Not only are they sharing their travels, but also the lives and stories of others.

It started as most interesting ideas are born – sitting on the couch one day and you think to yourself “Could this be really good”? They sold everything and decided to convert an old school bus and follow their dreams! The social media journey began with the conversion of the bus because it isn’t every day that someone does this. With backgrounds in film and photography, they recorded everything which led to turning their content into a community of its own. It’s not all about how many followers you have, but using tools like Instagram influencer marketing for advertising. This will lead to creating an extensive network, and reaching potential customers for your Airbnb!

Scott and Ashley from The Hive Drive sitting on the patio of a Teepee tent.

Did You Have A Following Before The Hive Drive?

Other than personal accounts on social media, there wasn’t a huge following for the two. When they started The Hive Drive, social media really changed for them. Rather than just posting random photos, connecting with people of similar interests and dreams took them to the next level. It led to making friends and relationships around the country that they have only met through social media.

Ashley and Scott knew from the beginning that they wanted this to be more than just a push/play content creation account. It’s about keeping up with the community and helping each other out along the way. It’s all about adding value to the content, whether it’s information, entertainment, or helpful tips. We have found this to be true personally, because the moment we started looking at their social media we were hooked! We had to reach out and learn more.

Photo of the Hive Drive Bus. A converted bus to camper.

What Is A “Big Win” Project?

A lot of people, particularly those who own an Airbnb or are new to it, have no idea why they might want to work on something like influencer and social media marketing. There are certain things that The Hive Drive has done to really strike it out of the park for their collaborations.

One of their biggest wins for them was their stay on a riverboat in England. The Airbnb host did not even have an Instagram before their trip, but they started one specifically for the visit! The two created a tour video to promote the Airbnb, and the view skyrocketed. Through the data points and tracking, they were able to see that their video had over 19k personal shares. These were all eyes that would have never even clicked on the listing on the Airbnb platform!

Ashley and Scott see their social media as a marketing tool and it pays off for hosts like this one because now their Airbnb is in front of a million+ eyes. Half of the people might just think it’s cool. But if you take 10% of the views, that’s a huge new audience that might be interested in booking!

From this, they set the host up with social media and encouraged him to start other platforms like YouTube and TikTok. From that one initial video, he kept growing. The video gave him the boost, but you can’t forget about the work that goes into continuing that snowball effect. You can have a great Airbnb and property, but social media is hard for a lot of people to keep up with. When you take the time to commit to it, they really work hand and hand together. It broadens who you are reaching and people who wouldn’t necessarily see you on the Airbnb page and website. So make sure you stick with it!

Scott and Ashley laying in the ocean.

How Do You Define What You Do?

There are different ways to pitch influencer marketing and it depends on the property itself. If the Airbnb is somewhere that really excites Ashley and Scott and feel it would align with their audience, it’s a matter of what they think would be most beneficial not only their page but also the host. This type of marketing might include things like partnering with other blogs and websites, exchanging mutually beneficial basis, or UGC (User Generated Content) for the host. When it comes to working The Hive Drive, the conversation is always started with enthusiasm. Then they begin to think through more of what the host’s needs are and portray what they are thinking to create. It is most important to find what aligns for both parties best.

How Many Hosts Are Resistant?

As a host myself, it’s a fascinating thing because for a long time, I felt like I listed my first Airbnb’s and the bookings started immediately, but that can always change. People who haven’t worked in any kind of media field don’t necessarily know how to flex their marketing muscles. You don’t have to own an extravagant castle to get bookings, but you do need to get creative and be ready to put in the extra work.

Some people see the value because of their own experience, but there are also people who don’t see the service as a value. When Ashley and Scott first started, people weren’t always quick to jump on the idea of exchanging services or really understood what they would get out of it. Keeping an open mind about something like influencer marketing can really open your business to new ideas and ways to market your Airbnb.

How Should Hosts Vet Influencers?

If you have someone reaching out about your property, it can be intimidating to know if you should say yes. It all comes down to what you resonate with. Do you like the type of content and tools that are being created by this specific influencer? You then need to have a clear idea of what type of content you are looking for to find someone who matches the vibe of the space you want to create. Make sure that it will fit with what you want to be highlighted about your Airbnb and what fits your voice.

Another aspect to look into when being approached by an influencer is how engaged with their audience. Look at the captions and replies they give to comments. Are they making an effort to create a relationship? If they are about their community and following, they will care about you and your space.

Asking for testimonials is also a great way to see a little more about them. It will help you to learn what is was like for others to work with them and it’s never a bad thing to see some past work and experiences!

How Can Hosts Reach Out To Influencers?

There are so many filters on social media these days that can be used. Take advantage of the hashtags, locations, top likes, etc. When you start searching with these tools it will show you the creators and influencers who are in your area making content for whatever you may be looking for. Vet them by spending time on their feed and looking at their quality of content.

Knowing your target audience and having a general sense of who is going to be staying in your Airbnb is crucial. Then think about who you are collaborating with and determine whether your space is going to speak to them. As a host myself, I had to do a mindset change when it came to taking action with content and partnerships. I want to market my spaces outside of what Airbnb is doing, but it also has to be the right fit for me.

Refreshing A Host’s Content

Refreshing your own content is an incredibly valuable service as well and should not be overlooked. At the end of the day, it’s a mental shift – this is the new way to market. Advertisements used to be print and tv commercials and that’s what a lot of us learned and are familiar with. It is not a thing of the past, however, we are seeing more and more that social media is having a bigger influence than traditional marketing platforms.

The benefit of social media is you essentially have a targeted marketing ad. The algorithm is made so that you are being put in front of the eyes of those who will benefit your business and get people invested.

In Conclusion

It is clear that social media and influencer marketing can be incredibly beneficial for hosts looking to increase their bookings. Not only does this type of marketing reach potential customers who wouldn’t see you on Airbnb, but it also provides an opportunity to connect with your target audience in a meaningful way. It’s important to vet each influencer carefully before committing, as well as consider refreshing content on your own platforms. With the right strategy in place, leveraging the power of social media and influencers could help take your business to the next level!

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