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What Is An Airbnb Co-Host, And How Do I Add One?

If you’re an Airbnb host, then you may have heard of the term “co-host.” But what is it, and why would you want one? In this blog post, we will answer those questions and explain how to add a co-host to your Airbnb listing.

What is a co-host?

A co-host is someone who helps you manage your Airbnb listing. They can do things like answer messages from guests, schedule cleanings, update your listing, write reviews, and more. Basically, a co-host is there to help you out so that you don’t have to do everything yourself. A co-host is basically an employee of your short-term rental business.

Why would you want a co-host?

There are a few reasons why you might want to add a co-host to your listing. First, if you’re getting a lot of bookings, it can be helpful to have someone there to help manage everything. Second, if you’re going on vacation or will be away from your listing for an extended period of time, a an extra set of hands can take care of things in your absence. Third, if you’re new to Airbnb hosting and are not sure how to handle everything, a co-host can be a great way to get some help and learn the ropes.

How do I add a co-host to my Airbnb listing?

Airbnb listing dashboard main page
Airbnb listing dashboard co-host tab

Adding a co-host to your Airbnb listing is easy! Just go to your listing’s page and underneath your listing title click on the “co-host” tab. From there, you can add a co-host by entering their email address. Once they accept your invitation, they will be added to your listing!

What do they do?

They can do a variety of things to help manage your Airbnb listing. You are essentially inviting someone to help manage your short-term rental so you want to have clear guidelines and communication with your co-host about what your expectations are and what you would like them to do. For example, you want to have a clear idea of how your pricing and conflict resolution works for your Airbnb guests so your co-host knows how to approach guest interactions. For a full list from Airbnb check out this link to their co-host article.

In conclusion

A co-host is someone who helps you manage your Airbnb listing. They can do things like answer messages from guests, schedule cleanings, update your listing, write reviews, and more. A co-host can be a great way to get some help if you’re new to Airbnb hosting or if you’re getting a lot of bookings and need some assistance. Adding a co-host to your Airbnb listing is easy! Just make sure you have a conversation with your co-host about expectations for how they interact with guests, how much they work, and that they are allowed to do as far as guest refunds, pricing changes, and so on.

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